New Study Finds That Review Requests Should Be Treated Like Customer Service

Do you ever feel that pang of envy when you see your competitors raking in five-star Google reviews, knowing that both the number of reviews and high ratings are playing a major role in their online dominance? Well, I’ve got good news for you. A recent study reveals that improving your review volume and ratings might be easier than you think. It all comes down to a simple shift in mindset: treat your review requests as an extension of your customer service.

Review Volume as a Customer Service KPI

In the real world, great customer service is the backbone of any successful business. Now, the data is showing that your reputation management efforts—like asking for reviews—are a crucial part of this customer service. According to a study by GatherUp, businesses that actively request reviews have an average of 122 reviews per location, compared to just 53 for those who don’t ask.

The takeaway? Customers want to feel valued, and a polite request to review your business is part of making them feel seen and heard. If you’re not asking, you’re missing out on a significant boost to your reputation.

Customers Value Convenience

Only 6% of businesses use both SMS and email to request reviews, but this combination yields the highest success rate. Text message requests alone can get a 98% open rate, with an average of 20 reviews per 100 requests. If you combine SMS with email, that number jumps to 26 reviews per 100 requests. That’s a lot of untapped potential if you’re only using one channel!

Offering your customers the convenience of choosing how they want to give feedback can dramatically increase your review volume. It’s the same as offering multiple ways to shop—customers appreciate options.

Customer Engagement Improves Your Ratings

Another key finding from the study is that businesses using reputation management software have, on average, a 50% higher Net Promoter Score (NPS) than their competitors. This simply means that asking for reviews not only increases the number of reviews but also improves how customers feel about your brand. And as we all know, higher star ratings can significantly boost your visibility in Google’s local search results.

At the end of the day, the quality of your customer service plays a huge role in how people review your business online. But it’s not just about solving problems—it’s about creating an experience that makes customers want to share their positive stories.

How We Can Help

Here at ReviewInstant, we specialize in helping businesses streamline their review request processes and boost their Google reviews. Whether it’s automating SMS and email review requests or refining your approach to customer engagement, we can help you develop a reputation strategy that works. Interested in learning more? Check out Review Instant for more details on how we can help you improve your online reputation.

Incorporating review requests into your customer service practices could be the game-changer your business needs. Treat every customer interaction like a step toward earning a five-star review, and you’ll see the results in no time!